ABSTRACT : The aims of this study are
to see effectiveness of Cerdas Cermat Kelompok Besar model to
increase learners activity and achievement on shopping practic. The study uses classroom action research
design and took place at the XI grade students of SMK N 2 Purworejo. The subject of the sudy is all 40 female
students at the school. The instruments
to collect data include: observation, interview, check list, questionnaire,
test, and documentation. Minimum
achievement of the students performance is stated at 80% activity increase and
70% of the students achieve average score 6,5.
The study reveals that (1) figures of activity before and after
treatments increase from 30% low, 65% fair, and 5% hight into 0% low, 20% fair,
and 80% high, (2) students’ achievement increase averagely of 5,9 (28%) in
cycle and 7,5 (80%) in the third cycle.
: Cerdas Cermat Kelompok
Besar, motivation, achievement.Download file