ABSTRACT: This is a
collaborative action research which carried out toward student of SMP Negeri 16
Bandar Lampung. The aim of this research was enhancing the self learning
motivation by using Problem Based Instruction (PBI) model. The research
conducted in 2 cycles, using the criteria of teacher’s performance and
student’s ability toward biological learning. The data was then analized dan
interpreted to show the improving teacher performance for each cycle. The
resuls showed that the teacher was a good facilitator, so it’s able to enhance
the self learning motivation of a student. Indicated with the increasing point
of the readiness of study, the hight motivates in answer and question
interaction, ability in answering the questions, giving opinion, creative , and
highly initiative to study. Thar self learning motivation then gives rise to
the average class mark even its equitability this showed the better teaching
and learning processes.
WORDS: Problem
Based Instruction, self learning, motivation.Download file
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